Friday, 16 December 2011

Batvent (paused)

Sadly I will not be able to continue on with Batvent for this year (at least until after the 28th December) as I have returned to the UK and tomorrow leave for France to go skiing for a week, I have animated only one more Batvent piece in advance but I'll save that for now, the only reason for not getting ahead of myself is that they take a surprising amount of time, not just to animate but to design as well (I'm not used to lineless art as used here apart from my Twenty Five for 25 project in February this year).

I hope that you've enjoyed what you've seen here and if you follow me on Twitter then you'll know I'd love for you to submit your own Batvent images, animated or not, of Batman characters enjoying some time in a winter scene, if you want to send them to me I'll post them up when I'm back, (have a look on my website if you don't already know my email.)

Thanks + Merry Christmas!

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