Monday, 18 July 2011

Woolly Allen

The other day while talking about "Midnight in Paris" someone stumbled on their words and said Woolly Allen, and thus the image of a neurotic sheep with thick-rimmed glasses was born. It was too fun an image to pass up and also acted as a good practice of my rather unused lip-sync skills, I have a few more vocal clips that could lead to a few more Woolly shorts.

Original voice from "Love and Death" at

Walk Cycles

Here are some of the many walk-cycles I've created for my adaptation of Tom Gauld's A Noisy Alphabet, a personal project that has been in the works for quite a while now, might start showing some more of it in the near future.

Friday, 15 July 2011

Chaffy: FOUND

Find Chaffy is a creation of Jamie Smart and to celebrate the release of his second Chaffy book he threw a Chaffy art contest, which I decided in my infinite wisdom to enter the night before by animating a bunch of the little fluffy critters.

This morning after some well needed sleep I awoke to find that I had won the contest!
You can view all of them at the Find Chaffy site now!

PS: Last night, Edgar Wright for a moment suspected I was his father on Twitter. I am not.

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Linkage Time!

This week has seen my graduation film, Phobias (2008), featured on not one but two sites leading to a little boost in it's views on Vimeo, it's always nice to get some recognition so thanks to everyone who has watched it recently, especially as it's been around for a few years now.


Nathan Bulmer (aka Eat More Bikes) makes great comics practically everyday, based off of random records, wikipedia articles or whatever else takes his fancy and I thought that he deserved some recognition too, now I just need to convince him to teach me this technique and I might stand a chance of updating a little more often!