So there it is, two hard bound copies, a soft copy and FIVE abstracts!! I also have a CD with it on, it's more bits than an 'In Rainbows' boxset. But of course I think I've used too much on the Letraset white lettering and have only done one spine so far, the other one will be all in capitals!
Meanwhile, I have got back the results for assessment and I got a high 2:2, which was a bit of a shock and will act as a boot up the backside upon my return on the 5th of March. I have storyboarded the Dendrophobia scene and talked with the sound guys at college about underwater mics and recording splashes.
Oh, and I am now 22... I naturally got some (Indiana Jones) LEGO!! and a LEGO Star Wars T-Shirt, as well as two posters, some Pixar DVDs and live collection CDs.
Breda, here I come! x